sl <- function( bin=0.1 ) { upper <- NULL upper[1] <- " (@@) ( ) (@) ( ) @@ () @ O @ O @ ( ) (@@@@) ( ) (@@@)" upper[2] <- " ( ) (@@) ( ) (@) () @@ O @ O @ O (@@@) ( ) (@@@@) ( )" middle <- " ==== ________ ___________ _D _| |_______/ \\__I_I_____===__|_________| |(_)--- | H\\________/ | | =|___ ___| _________________ / | | H | | | | ||_| |_|| _| \\_____A | | | H |__--------------------| [___] | =| | | ________|___H__/__|_____/[][]~\\_______| | -| | |/ | |-----------I_____I [][] [] D |=======|____|________________________|_ " lower <- NULL lower[1] <- "__/ =| o |=-O=====O=====O=====O \\ ____Y___________|__|__________________________|_ |/-=|___|= || || || |_____/~\\___/ |_D__D__D_| |_D__D__D_| \\_/ \\__/ \\__/ \\__/ \\__/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ " lower[2] <- "__/ =| o |=-~~\\ /~~\\ /~~\\ /~~\\ ____Y___________|__|__________________________|_ |/-=|___|=O=====O=====O=====O |_____/~\\___/ |_D__D__D_| |_D__D__D_| \\_/ \\__/ \\__/ \\__/ \\__/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ " lower[3] <- "__/ =| o |=-~~\\ /~~\\ /~~\\ /~~\\ ____Y___________|__|__________________________|_ |/-=|___|= || || || |_____/~\\___/ |_D__D__D_| |_D__D__D_| \\_/ \\O=====O=====O=====O_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ " lower[4] <- "__/ =| o |=-~~\\ /~~\\ /~~\\ /~~\\ ____Y___________|__|__________________________|_ |/-=|___|= || || || |_____/~\\___/ |_D__D__D_| |_D__D__D_| \\_/ \\_O=====O=====O=====O/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ " lower[5] <- "__/ =| o |=-~~\\ /~~\\ /~~\\ /~~\\ ____Y___________|__|__________________________|_ |/-=|___|= O=====O=====O=====O|_____/~\\___/ |_D__D__D_| |_D__D__D_| \\_/ \\__/ \\__/ \\__/ \\__/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ " lower[6] <- "__/ =| o |=-~O=====O=====O=====O\\ ____Y___________|__|__________________________|_ |/-=|___|= || || || |_____/~\\___/ |_D__D__D_| |_D__D__D_| \\_/ \\__/ \\__/ \\__/ \\__/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ \\_/ " SL <- NULL SL[1] <- paste(upper[1], middle, lower[1], "\n", sep="\n") SL[2] <- paste(upper[2], middle, lower[2], "\n", sep="\n") SL[3] <- paste(upper[1], middle, lower[3], "\n", sep="\n") SL[4] <- paste(upper[2], middle, lower[4], "\n", sep="\n") SL[5] <- paste(upper[1], middle, lower[5], "\n", sep="\n") SL[6] <- paste(upper[2], middle, lower[6], "\n", sep="\n") slwindow <- function() { x11(width=600/96, height=300/96) par(mar=c(0,0,0,0), cex=0.8, adj=0, family="mono", bg="black") plot(0, 0, type="n", xlim=c(-1,1), ylim=c(-1,1), xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="", xaxs="i", yaxs="i", bty="n") return( dev.cur() ) } winhandle <- slwindow() xs <- seq(from=1.1, to=-3.5, by=-0.05) for(i in seq(along=xs)) { if(dev.cur()!=winhandle) { winhandle <- slwindow() } rect(-2, -2, 2, 2, col="black", border=NA) text(xs[i], 0, SL[(i%%6)+1], col="white") Sys.sleep(bin) } invisible() } class(sl) <- "sl" <- function(...) { sl() } comment(sl) <- c( "sl - Do not return the names of the objects in the environment.", "", "SYNOPSIS", " sl(bin)", "INPUT", " bin : length of the time bin.", " Set much larger value (e.g. 1.0) when you get fed up with programming.", " (This will give you 1.5 min break to think about your life.)", "OUTPUT", " NULL.", "", "See for detailed instruction in Japanese.", "Also visit to see the JavaScript version of .", "The SL illustration used in the sl.R was taken from the JS code in that web site.", "ver.1.00, written by MOCHI, 2009." )